Getting Started

To get started is very simple.

Adding ORM to your app

First of all you need to add node-orm as a dependency to your node application.

This involves using the package.json file of which you can find a cheatsheat here

Add to your node.js application to use @kennydude’s version:

"dependencies" : {
        "orm" : ""

or to use the master version:

"dependencies" : {
        "orm" : ">=2.0.0-alpha6"

Then run npm install to install orm to the local node_modules directory automatically.

Using ORM in your app

Simply require it:

var orm = require("orm");

And then connect to your database:

orm.connect("mysql://test:test@localhost/text", function(err, db){
        // db is now available to use! ^__^

And that is about it. For more on the connections string see ORM Class.

At this point you will declare your models like so:

orm.connect("mysql://test:test@localhost/text", function(err, db){
        // db is now available to use! ^__^
        var Person = db.define('person', {
        name      : String